About Linseed Oil Paint

Linseed Oil Paint

Linseed oil paint will transform the way you paint. It lasts pretty much forever without needing to be reapplied, and doesn’t flake or peel. It’s environmentally friendly, doesn’t have a strong smell, dries in 24 hours, and is extremely cost-effective. Plus, it comes in a rich palette of beautiful colors.

We will answer some of the most commonly asked questions here, but please have a look on our FAQ page for more information.

What’s linseed oil paint made from?
Flax seed is pressed to make raw linseed oil, which is boiled to make it more durable and quick-drying. We then add a small amount of drying agent and powdered pigments – which are all entirely natural. That’s it: no solvents, binders or synthetic emulsifiers.

What’s the history of linseed oil paint?
In Sweden, Denmark and many other parts of Europe, there’s a long tradition of painting the interiors and exteriors of buildings with linseed oil paint. Original coats of linseed paint have survived perfectly well on houses which are well over 500 years old.

How does linseed oil paint work?
How linseed paint works is not rocket science. Let us explain in a short animation.

Does linseed oil paint give good protection?
Linseed oil paint really does protect against all weathers: once painted, wood won’t rot, iron won’t rust, and plaster won’t crumble. It has fantastic wicking properties, permitting the two-way transfer of humidity instead of trapping moisture under an impermeable film.

What can you paint with linseed oil paint?
Virtually anything. That includes timber, masonry, plaster, metal – and even uPVC, should you want to!

How do you apply and dry linseed oil paint?
Just apply linseed paint directly onto your clean surface – no need for primer or undercoat. You don’t need loads of layers; one will often do, although wood may take two coats as the paint tends to soak in a little. You can apply additional layers if you want to build up a satin or semi-gloss sheen. Linseed oil paint dries by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, so it will dry naturally in about 24 hours (but you can choose to accelerate this with a UV light source). The paint dries to a very hard, durable finish.

Is linseed oil paint expensive?
Far from it. Not only is a tin of linseed paint fairly inexpensive (especially compared to some of the heritage paint brands in the UK) but it’s a thin paint, so you’ll cover anything from 15-20m2 per liter, depending on the material you’re painting. We don’t know of any other paint which offers such cost-effective coverage. And there’s less waste, because the same tin of paint will paint any surface (no need for different versions). And on top of all that, you don’t need to repaint every few years!

Which finish of linseed oil paint do you need to buy?
There’s just one kind, and it paints anything. So you can use the same paint for timber, masonry, metal and plaster. The same paint lets you build up a glossy sheen simply by adding more coats, so there’s no need for matte emulsions or satinwood, eggshell or gloss versions.

Why is it so environmentally friendly?
Linseed paint only contains oil from natural flax seed plus natural pigments. There are no smelly or toxic solvents, binders or emulsifiers. And with such simple ingredients, no big, dirty refineries are needed to manufacture it, either!

Why is linseed oil paint nicer to use?
Linseed oil paint has a rich but gentle odor. If you’re painting indoors, there’s no need to keep the windows open or to worry about headaches and dizziness.

Does it need maintenance?
Absolutely! After a number of years, you’ll see that your linseed oil paint has become a little more matte. Some people prefer that effect, and wait eagerly for it. Others prefer to wipe the paint with a little linseed oil every few years, which dries quickly and restores the sheen.

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